2024 Challenge

During the last few years, the RB and LPX Foundation has offered challenges to produce novel ML applications. Our motivation was to encourage the public to engage in ML as a scientific adventure in the spirit of a makerspace. There was interest in the public and what seemed a generally positive sentiment towards data science …
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2023 Challenge

Generative AI has inspired an explosion of interest. ML had been a field requiring advanced knowledge of mathematics and computer science. Tools such as GPT, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion have opened up AI by providing intuitive natural language interfaces. The power of these models hides a danger. While they can generate text and images that …
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2022 Challenge

The 2021 challenge focuses on air pollution measurement and prediction. Wildfires in the US West raised clouds of smoke which lingered for months. This dramatic incident only highlighted existing problems caused by decades of industrial and other pollution. Air is life and polluted air harms us all, especially those of us with respiratory problems. Polluted …
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2021 Challenges

For this year, we will begin offering challenge problems. These will be problems that are relevant to ecology, medicine or social welfare. For each of these problems, we will offer a data set or a way to create a data set, regression targets and baseline implementations. This year, our three problems are 1. Analyzing professional …
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