Reuben Brasher

Running BERT in EC2 GPU instance

On 14 January, we will begin with a tutorial on ML in a VM with GPU. I am pretty happy with the experience that i have had using TensorFlow 2.3 and Hub on a virtual machine. We have talked about the BERT paper and other language models, but I want to do a refresher with …
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2021 Challenges

For this year, we will begin offering challenge problems. These will be problems that are relevant to ecology, medicine or social welfare. For each of these problems, we will offer a data set or a way to create a data set, regression targets and baseline implementations. This year, our three problems are 1. Analyzing professional …
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Building a bibtex bibliography

This tutorial should be pretty short, and is contained in a repo. The explains most of the necessary details. Additionally, this bibliography also documents the history of reading for our Reading Club.

Hello World!

Hello World and welcome. This is my first message here on this platform, in this forum, and I do mean this to be an invitation. I do not know who will read, but thank you for reading, especially if you are someone that I do not know. What I intend to create here in the …
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Reading Club session 17 December 2020

We returned to a topic for which we had previously had many sessions, that of NLP and word embeddings. We discussed “Deep contextualized word representations” by Peters et alia. We discussed the historical context of ELMo being popular as a bidirectional language model having the advantage over Word2vec of taking word order into account. For …
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Reading Club session 12 November 2020

We looked at a classical quantum-inspired algorithm by Erwin Tang in “A quantum-inspired classical algorithm for recommendation systems” and an associated follow up paper by Arrazola et alia “Quantum-inspired algorithms in practice.” This algorithm uses clever sampling techniques to approximate solutions for linear equations of the form Ax = b where x is unknown, essentially …
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Reading Club session 29 October 2020

We had taken a break from regular meetings, and when we returned, we switched gears to topics in quantum computing applied to machine learning. We discussed a few sections from “Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain” by Vedran Dunjko and Hans J. Briegel.

Reading Club session 6 August 2020

We discussed two classic papers by Alex Graves. The oldest of these was “Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks” in which we especially focused on those parts about generating handwriting. The newer one, “DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation” had several coauthors from Google DeepMind and explained how to use neural Turing machines …
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Reading Club session for 23 July 2020

We wrapped up our discussion of clustering on graphs, still with a couple more sections from “Clustering and Community Detection in Directed Networks: A Survey” by Fragkiskos D. Malliarosa, Michalis Vazirgiannis. For the second half of the session, we switched gears and discussed a comparison between polynomial regression and neural networks that seemed both theoretically …
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Reading Club session for 2 July 2020

We continued with our study of clustering methods applied to graph theory with “Clustering and Community Detection in Directed Networks: A Survey” by Fragkiskos D. Malliarosa, Michalis Vazirgiannis which describes methods for clustering graphs without discarding directional information.